We were always told by our parents and doctors to eat green (vegetables) it’s healthy.
I propose another way to eat green: Dine Green. Yes, dining green is not just a trendy choice, it is a smart choice. Many restaurant owners are choosing to go green in their operations and services or design green as they plan and build.
Restaurant owners may ask: How can you make your food service facility green? Should it be LEED Certified? Is it costly? Where do I start? These are many questions that may be in the mind of future restaurant owners as they are planning their facility.
The key is to plan. If you desire to be socially conscious in your restaurant operations and services, take advice from Steven Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Successful People: 'Begin With The End In Mind.' This will save you money and time. Choose an environmentally conscious design professional, suppliers and even employees. Be sure to communicate your vision to your employees as you begin.
Green Tips for Your Food Service Facility:
• Extend the life of an existing building by renovating instead of building from the ground up.
• Save money and time: buy or rent a building that once housed a restaurant.
• Purchase used restaurant equipment and furniture.
• Use locally grown fruits and vegetables.
• Install low-flow toilets.
• Install tankless water heaters.
• Use low or no VOC paints
• Use recycled materials to enhance the décor.
• Design designated areas for recycled materials.
• Create a Go Green and a Recycling Plan.
For more information on green restaurant design, contact Urban Aesthetics at 267.702.0810 or 856.733.0809. Email: info@urbanaestheticsllc.com