Have a Happy, Green New Year!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


To sustain; as defined by Merriam Webster, to bear up under; to give support or relief to; to supply with sustenance; to support the weight of. The Americans with Disabilities Act was created in 1990, in order to ensure disabled persons equal access to buildings. Providing accessible facilities is an important part of design and stands alone as sustainable.

Early in my career, a former boss and mentor, Architect Robert Kendall, asked me to help him in his efforts to form an organization that offered free design and planning to victims of spinal cord injuries. The formation of this organization was important to Robert because of his association with a close friend that was in a wheelchair, as well as his own brief disabling experience, due to a soccer injury. Robert's dream became a reality with the formation of a non-profit charitable organization named Homescapes. As a volunteer for Homescapes during its formation and operations, the needs of the disabled became important to me.

As family members age and no longer are to get around the same, we realize the need to make their homes safe for their movement. In addition, we become more aware of the need for public spaces to be accommodating to people with a disability.

I could not consider myself a true green or sustainable designer if I did not include the needs of the disabled in my work. I make sure that my commercial projects always include consultation about the needs of the disabled. Not only is it the law, it's thoughtful and for the business owner that serve the public, it makes good business sense.

Urban Aesthetics is proud to say that we find the needs of the disabled important and they will continue to be at the forefront of our projects. We provide a accessibility permit drawings as a service to very important clients and if an ADA retrofit is what you need, do not hesitate to call: