Have a Happy, Green New Year!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Graduating Green

Graduate: to pass from one stage of experience, proficiency, or prestige to a usually higher one...

You have learned that the Passport to Sustainability is Educating Green, planning, building and operating Green. So now, I ask the question: have you taken a Recess and made the decision to Green your educational facility? Now is the time for you to graduate.

"...The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change..."
Carl Rogers

It's time to change. The best place to spark that change is in the classroom. Sustainability is a choice, a way of life. As we learn, we implement the teaching into our lifestyle or the education is futile. As you Graduate Green, you will realize that this is only the beginning. Progress is being made daily to help individuals become greener and live a more socially responsible lifestyle. We have an opportunity to continue to learn, we have a chance to embrace new options.

"...I believe that education is the fundamental method of social progress and reform. All reforms which rest simply upon the law, or the threatening of certain penalties, or upon changes in mechanical or outward arrangements, are transitory and futile.... But through education society can formulate its own purposes, can organize its own means and resources, and thus shape itself with definiteness and economy in the direction in which it wishes to move.... Education thus conceived marks the most perfect and intimate union of science and art conceivable in human experience..."
John Dewey, My Pedagogic Creed, 1897

As you graduate, I offer additional Greenie Tips for your Educational Facility, Daycare Center or Classroom:
1. Incorporate "upcycling" art projects.
Encourage students to bring in items ready for the waste stream to be used in art prjects. Example: egg     cartons, styrafoam peanuts, boxes, cans, etc.
2. Set up a class website.
Explain the importance of saving paper and allow students and parents the option to download information via the website.
3. Send out grades online.
Continue to save paper by emailing transcripts for students and parents willing to go paperless.
4. Use both sides of paper.
5. Organize outside cleanup days in order to promote recycling and neighborhood cleanup.
Contact Rafyah Lumb of NaturallyNeat Cleaning to have her organize a cleanup project for your students.

Source: X-ray technician Schools. (2008). 30 Go Green Tips For Teachers in the Classroom. 

Now fellow students, alumni, teachers and faculty, I encourage you to reflect on this educational journey and seek progress in your building planning. In your existing facility, I encourage you to implement changes, the option benefits you and everyone utilizing your facility. For additional information on Green Operations, Building and Incentives, contact Felicia Middleton at:
P: 215-776-8795
Email: uagreenie@urbanaestheticsdesigns.com

Monday, February 15, 2010

Green Recess

Are you planning the building of an educational facility such as a daycare center, school or classroom? Do you have an existing educational facility? Is it Green? Do you teach sustainable practices to the students? Do you represent these practices through your operations, providing a good example for the students?

If you are planning to open or remodel an educational facility, STOP! Take a break and rethink your plans. 
If your plans are not green, STOP! Change the color of your facility. 

Recess: "...A temporary cessation of the customary activities of an engagement, occupation, or pursuit."

Think Green.
A healthy learning environment is the best for a student. Greening your facility can provide a healthier atmosphere for your students. 
  • Ensure that the facility has a properly run Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning system. Good indoor air quality is essential for a healthy learning environment and can cut back on diseases and allergies.
  • Clean your facility using environmentally friendly products and services. A Green cleaning service that uses eco-friendly products can also help indoor air quality and reduce allergies. The added benefit will be that you will be helping the environment.
  • Design or renovate your facility incorporating natural light. "...natural light for its demonstrated positive effects on student productivity and wellness..." (Sunlight Direct Inc.)
"Education costs money, but then so does ignorance."
Sir Claus Moser

Rethinking the design and planning of your school, classroom or daycare center will be an added benefit for your facility, the staff and your students. Greening your educational facility is a "Win-Win", everybody benefits. For additional information on the design, planning AND greening of your facility, contact Urban Aesthetics, LLC.

Phone Number: 215.776.8795
Email: info@urbanaestheticsdesigns.com

Additional Information:

We have additional information that will be of help. The Keystone Stars Child Care Quality Initiative is a quality improvement program for child care providers. Child care providers can be designated as Star One, Star Two, Star Three or Star Four based on achieving performance standards in Staff Education, the Learning Environment, and Administration. Additional information, preparation and help will be provided in our upcoming monthly workshops. Please feel free to email us or contact us for additional information.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Educating Green

"...I've never let my school interfere with my education..." 
Mark Twain

That's right, the school should not interfere with an education. The building, the hallways, the classroom, all should enhance the educational experience and not affect it. In the past, materials such as asbestos, lead and poor HVAC systems had a negative effect on the student's health. Today we know how to build in a manner that respects both the earth and the health of individuals.

"...Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education..."
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Does your educational facility reflect character and integrity? Social responsibility? Green educational facilities promote education and reflect a positive character. Green classrooms are healthy learning environments where the interior physical location wont affect the child's overall education. In fact, they can be used to enhance their education. Children can learn early practices of waste reduction and recycling. In addition, they can develop a lifestyle of eco-friendlly habits.  

Operate Green:
-Choose eco-friendly printing: 
MTB Imaging Corp. 
-"Upcycle" Sharpie Markers and other items: Send them to TerraCycle to be reused.

TerraCycle finds another use for items normally considered trash before they enter the waste stream.

Greenie Building Tips for your Educational Facility:
-Use zero or low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) paints: http://www.epa.gov/iaq/voc.html
-Use eco-friendly Acoustical Ceiling Tiles - Green Depot:: http://www.greendepot.com/greendepot/dept.asp?dept_id=5300&page=2&s_id=0
-Use eco-friendly flooring.
-Contact Urban Aesthetics LLC for sustainable design solutions, LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certification and Green Planning.

Phone: 215-776-8795
Email: info@urbanaestheticsdesigns.com

Completed Designs of Educational Facilities:
Urban Aesthetics:
-Classrooms in Church Facilities
-Designs for Daycare Centers 
Felicia Middleton of Urban Aesthetics has completed:
-School Cafeterias
-School "Cafetoriums"
-School Commissary Kitchens

Additional Information: