Have a Happy, Green New Year!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

All Decked-Out in Green

Deck: A flat-floored, roofless area adjoining a house.

Are you looking to save energy this summer? Would you like to increase the value of your home? Thinking of adding a deck? Does your house have an existing deck that needs upgrading? If your answer is "yes" to any of these questions, you are in luck.
Would you like your future deck to be built to code? Would you like it to be safe? Is your existing deck safe?
Is it green? Would you like it to be green?

"Decked Out": "Adjective: Someone or something that is really extravagant and awesome looking..."
Urban Dictionary

"Paint my house or deck green, NO Way!!!" I agree, depending on the shade or unless you are going with an AMAZING theme. But you can "deck your house out in green..." An adjective describes or modifies a person, place or thing. Adding a deck modifies or enhances your home. You can make your home "awesome looking" with a new deck. And the deck can be green. Not necessarily the COLOR green but a green and choice.

The benefits of adding a deck on your home or property:
  • Adding a deck can be a "green" choice - Making the choice to entertain or relax outside during the spring and summer months can save energy, while saving you money. Many people eat dinner, entertain and relax on their decks. You can turn off the appliances, the air and the lights and enjoy the weather on your deck.
  • Adding a deck can save you money - Watch your energy bills diminish as you use less electric and air.
  • Building a deck onto your home can make you money - A deck can add value to your home. You can add a room without spending the full price of building an addition.
"...building a deck can be a smart way for property owners to maintain or even improve their home's  value..."                                                                                                                     
Luke Mullins, U.S. News and World Report
    If you are planning on adding or upgrading your deck, and you want to do it right, call Urban Aesthetics, LLC: 215-776-8795. We can help you:

    • Get a Licensed Contractor.
    • Get a Permit.
    • Choose sustainable materials and practices.
    Urban Aesthetics has completed several decks throughout the Philadelphia area.